Quarterly Humanitarian Response Visualization

Welcome to our interactive webpage showcasing cluster projects or main activities using the 5W dashboard! Here you can explore essential information about various organizations, their activities, locations, timeframes, beneficiaries, and funding data. This tool aims to enhance coordination among cluster coordinators and organizations, enabling them to effectively reach their targets and ensure humanitarian needs are met without gaps or duplication. Let's dive into the interactive dashboards below:

  1. Who (Organizations):** This section provides an overview of the organizations involved in humanitarian efforts. You can explore different agencies and filter the data based on their contributions to cluster projects. 
  2. What (Activities):** Here, you can explore the different activities carried out by organizations within the clusters. The interactive dashboard allows you to view and filter specific activities based on their relevance to the cluster objectives. 
  3. Where (Locations):** This section presents a geographical representation of cluster projects or activities. You can navigate through a map and zoom in to explore activities in specific locations. The interactive map provides details about the clusters operating in each area. 
  4. When (Timeframe):** In this dashboard, you can explore the duration of cluster projects or activities. A timeline visualization allows you to filter the data by specific periods, such as months or years, and observe the progression of humanitarian efforts over time. 
  5. Whom (Beneficiaries):** This section provides insights into the beneficiaries of cluster projects or activities. You can explore the demographics and specific groups targeted by each organization. Filter options are available to refine the data based on age, gender, vulnerability, or other relevant parameters. 
  6. Funding Data:** Here, you can access information on the funding allocated to cluster projects or activities. The interactive dashboard presents funding sources, amounts, and allocation trends over time. You can filter the data based on funding providers or specific timeframes.

By exploring these interactive dashboards, you can understand cluster projects or main activities comprehensively, including the organizations involved, their locations, beneficiaries, and funding. This tool enables efficient coordination, helping to meet humanitarian needs effectively while avoiding duplication and addressing any existing gaps.